outside of Box Hill School

Year 9 2024 Starters

Welcome Year 9s!

We are delighted to welcome you in September to Box Hill School. This page has been made for you.

Your Head of Year is Mrs Fuller. She teaches Geography.

On Induction Day you’ll be able to talk to other members of staff who will be there to support you on your journey throughout Box Hill School. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy looking through this page.

Welcome Video

Here’s a video from our current Year 8s (who will be in your year when you start):

Induction Booklet

This booklet is for you to understand what your school year will look like next year. There’s some useful information about trips, music lessons and LAMDA.

Parents’ Handbook

This one is for your parents/guardian. It includes lots of useful information.

What will you get up to this year?


We hope you’ve found this page useful and we really look forward to welcoming you to Box Hill School in September!  If you have any questions please do email sophie.byerley@boxhillschool.com who will pass your query on to the relevant person.